Monday, August 15, 2016

Perhaps not many people know about this fact or maybe it is because of the current generation who just do not have any interest to find more fact about the history of their ancestor.Altought history is one of the most important thing that needs to be preserved by us but many of us ignore this kind of things.

“So perhaps we just have to overcome this matter and get in to the point.what I am trying to say is that our ancestors have given so much to us as the next successor of their vision and dreams.We as the young generation may not realize it yet but as they are so great they have bestowed  us the most precious and great legacy and we still just do not know about it.

“Yes,it is true.They have bestowed us pancasila and uud 45 as the legacy for the people of Indonesia.Pancasila has become the role model and also the main principle for the people of Indonesia and for this country as the direction to lead this country and its people to a better and brighter ways.

UUD 45 has also played a big role in order to supply and form a good regulation that can be followed by the government and all the civilian people in this country.UUD 45 will always be amended by the representive board every five years to make sure this law run in the right path and there is no abuse of it.

We as a young generation should realize that we already have the legacy and guide that we need.In order to make things right and run in the path that our ancestor wanted.So start from now what we have to do is not to argue and do things that we should not do.we have to be a honest,smart,and brave citizen so that in 2045 we can be able to fulfill the legacy of our predecessor.

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