Monday, August 15, 2016

Perhaps not many people know about this fact or maybe it is because of the current generation who just do not have any interest to find more fact about the history of their ancestor.Altought history is one of the most important thing that needs to be preserved by us but many of us ignore this kind of things.

“So perhaps we just have to overcome this matter and get in to the point.what I am trying to say is that our ancestors have given so much to us as the next successor of their vision and dreams.We as the young generation may not realize it yet but as they are so great they have bestowed  us the most precious and great legacy and we still just do not know about it.

“Yes,it is true.They have bestowed us pancasila and uud 45 as the legacy for the people of Indonesia.Pancasila has become the role model and also the main principle for the people of Indonesia and for this country as the direction to lead this country and its people to a better and brighter ways.

UUD 45 has also played a big role in order to supply and form a good regulation that can be followed by the government and all the civilian people in this country.UUD 45 will always be amended by the representive board every five years to make sure this law run in the right path and there is no abuse of it.

We as a young generation should realize that we already have the legacy and guide that we need.In order to make things right and run in the path that our ancestor wanted.So start from now what we have to do is not to argue and do things that we should not do.we have to be a honest,smart,and brave citizen so that in 2045 we can be able to fulfill the legacy of our predecessor.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

No one too old to learn

What Is The Secret Behind A Powerfull Country 

Probably This is a big question of many people. especially the young generation of this Millinea Age.Most of them Thought That A Powerful Country Achieved their very strategic position in violence by using Military Force.

“But in my opinion is a bit different to that statement.I say  a country will be strong and powerful if the people inside that country wants to get involve and make one big change to the very existence that the country in right now.

But In Reality it turned out to be horrible.Many of this young generation prefer to go and hangout with their fellows to do useless things.the  example can be seen in many different places in big cities all over the world.They do smoke and and spend  more time on their gadget to explore more about their activities in the cyber world which is wasting most of their productive times.

I encouraged the people of my generation to get involve and participate more for a better change of this country.”If you still a student then you can study to give your constribution for this country and make your parents proud,if you already  a teacher teach your students well and guide them to do something for this country.”

Because at the very end of this moment.People who gonna take the lead of a country will be our own son and daughter.They could be anything in the future maybe a president,a minister,or even the soldier to protect this country.

That Is why a big country such as U.S.A or even Russia can be a big and powerful country as at this all initiated by the young generation.Because of them the people of America can make a nuclear for the first time and win the world war 2.

If we want to be like any of them. We have to start nurture and teach the young generation of the importance of education and the feeling of compassion to one another.So that in the coming time we can be spoken to the world of who we really are.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Several Things That can be Done By Students to learn languages faster

No one too old to learn

        I know many people are desperate and so helpless or even so despair the first time they try to learn a language. Well I gotta tell you this I also feel the same way too just as you are my beloved may seem to be so difficult at the first trial but when you don’t give up and keep continue struggle and keep digging deeper what is less from me,what is needed,what should I do to make a better progress in learning the new language.Damn god “how could it be so difficult just to learn this language”. You are lucky today my dear friends because in this article we gotta discuss it madly is too bad if you don’t see this because this will help you somehow.And I pomise you after seeing this you will be a better learner.

         Okey,before I tell you what should to be done.You gotta promise that  you will train this at your home not just read it but you really need totally do what I recommended to you.Here we go.

1.Try To Take A Class Of Foreign Language
  Well,I gotta confess actually at the very beginning I was stupid I could not even speak or wrote any single statement about English.But after sometimes I take a class which is especially to learn language.this comes in handy because so many teachers in the class can be asked directly “what Sould be done or what should I do sir in order to be an expert in eglish”.

2.Try To Speak And Train What You have Been Listened In Front Of Mirror
 Remember my friend. The more you train your language the better result you will gain. I will definitely recommend this one.Because somehow up until now almost all the people all around Indonesia don’t even like it is necessary, but I say this is important and very risky for your development. It doesn’t matter what people say about you. If they say you crazy because you talk yourself just ignore them.They don’t know what you have been doing all this long years.So just start focus and keep concentrate on your lesson.

3.Be A Good Listeners
Why should I say this…..because in learning English if you  can speak English but you can not understand what they is good for nothing.People train their ears to be a good listeners.You can start to listen carefully of the dialog in the movie,or television,or the radio. We have so many media that we can use to sharpen our language is up to the people who wants to do it.if she/he  is serious then definitely it will be pretty easy for him/her.

4.Change all the languages in your gadget into English
It may seem to be so difficult for you especially for the beginner.But,if you do really want to or have the capability to expand your knowledge and enrich your vocabulary then this suggestion will be very useful for you my dear will find a new words,new vocabulary,and a new things to be learnt.then by the time I know you will be a great English learner.

5.Make Friends With The Native Speaker
Well….In todays society, it is very easy to make friend with the native speaker especially when you have social media like facebook,or twitter. They can be found easily but still it is difficult to find a friendly and good partner to train our languages.because all the native speaker have a lot of characteristic and maybe some of them can be a bad influence for us because of their culture and custom.but still, we need to think the good sides.we can be a better learner because of them.

Okey I think that is everything I can say for you my dear friends.hope you get inspired and you can have a better sight from this few suggestion.Please leave your comment and keep subscribing because I am going to post more every day.