Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Effect Of El-Nino In Indonesia

No one too old to learn

         Maybe not many people know about el nino.Especially the people in indonesia they seem to be have no big concern of what might happen to their country and what it would be to the global state of the seems, it goes without saying that many people in indonesia still have a lack of concern to the environment where they lived and grow.Here i am going to try to decribe what might happen to indonesia and also what should be done by our government to prevent the up coming disaster that might cause loose of so many civillian life in the future.
          First of all i am going to explain to you what El-Nino is..... El nino is an irregularly occurring and complex series of climatic changes affecting the equatorial Pacific region and beyond every few years, characterized by the appearance of unusually warm, nutrient-poor water off northern Peru and Ecuador, typically in late December.
           And for that reason,perhaps indonesia as one of the global players have a very big important role to make sure the balance and the sustainibility of this earth.As is known indonesia have a big and wide tropical forest which is used to provide an oxygen for the human and also for the life of its people all round the world. If there is no direct action from the government or the youth who lived in this country.I can assume the next 20 years jakarta can be drown to the bottom of the sea as what the scientist predicted.
            There are two main things that can be done by the citizen in indonesia  to prevent the Up coming Disaster from the Elnino Effect.First: They have to commite not to throw rubbish or any dangerous stuff to the environemnt  because it can affect and also make a flood coming to their environment.Second: Try to make and find a renewable resource so that tomorrow or the next twenty years,We are not going to dependant to the oil from the earth and we can produce an altenative energy for the sustanibility of our country the ex: like solar energy,and wind energy for electric.
             Okey i think that is all i can say about it but more importantly we have to be part of society so that we can be able to cooperate with the people around us and take a necessary action to resolve the current issues in indonesia.Maybe we can try to make a workshop,and also make a group of discussion,And hopefully from those forums we can get a good conclusion or the best way to resolve the current issues which has never been to able resolved by many people.

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